Further gladman update

Latest Gladman update click here


Following on from our letter as below Michelle Donovan has visited Holt to see for herself the issues relating to the proposed Gladman Development. This visit took in the Tannery, proposed new affordable homes at Star Ground and the Gladman site. Michelle is sympathetic to our cause and has written to the cabinet member reposponsible for planning at Wiltshire Council. Click here to read the text of the letter

The Parish Council has become concerned that some Wiltshire Council departments have been less than critical when commenting on the Gladman proposal. Their comments may be viewed on the planning website. As a result, the Council has written to our MP, Michelle Donelan explaining the situation. Click here to read the text of the letter

Parish Council Planning committee meeting 12 april

The Agenda for the above meeting to discuss applications 21/01854/FUL and 21/02601/LBC – Holt Farm Ground Corner and 21/02068/FUL – 89 The Street can be viewed here.

Extraordinary full council meeting 29 march 2021

A Full Parish Council Meeting will be held by Zoom Video Conference on Monday 29 March at 7.30pm to discuss and propose a formal response to Planning Application 21/01207/FUL, The Old Coal Yard, Station Road

Change of use of land from storage and distribution to commercial use to allow for the manufacture of candles and scented products (part retrospective): the demolition of a storage building: the provision of a new standalone building: the extension of an existing building to provide manufacturing, storage, office and laboratory floor area as well as staff welfare facilities, the provision of staff parking: associated works. If you wish to join the meeting click the following link https://zoom.us/j/91623431191?pwd=SGFiNTFBVFZOTFlMQURsTFUzUUJVUT09

Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee will hold a meeting at 7.30pm Wednesday 19 August 2020 to determine the Parish Council response to the following : Retrospective Planning Application 20/04837/FUL 149 The Common, Holt.   Remove front garden, new retaining wall.   The meeting agenda may be found here.


Planning Committee Meeting

Holt Parish Council Planning Committee will hold a video conference meeting on Thursday 16th July 2020 at 7.30pm to determine its response to the following application:
20/04294/CLE 3 Broughton Road, Holt, Trowbridge BA14 6QU, Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of dwelling as an independent dwelling in breach of Condition 3 of planning application permission W/89/00124/FUL
Any member of the public wishing to attend or to make a submission on this application must inform The Clerk before the meeting. Submissions will be strictly limited to three minutes duration.

Trees in The Midlands

The Parish Council is aware of some concern in the village relating to the future of the trees alongside the Brook opposite the Village Hall. The trees belong to Wiltshire Council. There is one Red Hawthorn which is nearest the junction and three flowering cherry,  which are a non-native, short lived species. The fourth flowering cherry died and was removed some years ago being replaced by a silver birch which also died. The three remaining cherry trees have been examined by an arboriculturalist who has declared them all to be in a state of terminal decline. Cracks, lesions and dead wood can be seen.

The developer of the Tannery was obliged to propose improvements to the junction of the Midlands and the B3107. The initial design involved the loss of the parking spaces alongside the trees.
Following objection by the PC, a re-design was made proposing a parking refuge where the cherry trees now stand. The hawthorn tree will remain and, at the request of the PC, a new stand of trees
will be planted along the verge on the Village Hall side of the road. All of this has been in the public domain for more than a year and was discussed at the village meeting in April 2018.
We hope to have details about the programme for the development in the near future.

Planning Meeting 9th January 2019


You are hereby notified that there will be a Planning Committee meeting of Holt Parish Council

at  United Reformed Church Hall On Wednesday 9th January 2019 at 7.00pm


  1. Apologies

To accept apologies for absence

2. Declarations of interest

To receive any Declaration(s) of interest under The Relevant Authorities (Dis-closure pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under s.30(3) of the localism Act 2011 and under the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council.

3. Planning Applications

Parish Council Reference                 1

Planning Application Number       18/11218/FUL

Type of Application                              FUL

Date to comment                                1 January 2019

Parish Council Meeting date         9 January 2019

Address                                               The Coach House 386 A Ham Green Holt BA14 6PZ

Description of Work                            Proposed ground first floor extensions and alterations.

Members of the public are welcome to attend


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION If you would like to take advantage of a five minute per person time slot to address the council or committee, please contact the clerk (details below) or attend the meeting 5 minutes prior to the commencement and advise the clerk that you wish to speak.

Tel 01225 783335 email clerk@holtparishcouncil.gov.uk

Tannery Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 18 April are now available on the 2018 Minutes section of this website

Tannery Planning Applications

Planning applications for the development of the Tannery site have been submitted with a deadline for comment of 20 April 2018.  Details of the applications and a comment form may be found on the Wiltshire Council website or through the links provided on the “Planning” page of this website.  There are nearly 300 documents in the proposal.  Links are given below to the various parts of the Design and Access Statement which give the overall picture of the project.  There will be an Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council in the Village Hall at 7.30pm Wednesday 18 April which villagers are invited to attend.
d&a part 1
d&a part 2
d&a part 3
d&a part 4
d&a part 5
d&a part 6
d&a part 7