Potential Development Leigh Road

The Parish Council has recently been approached by a Landhold Capital Ltd who have purchased 2 fields to the east of Leigh Road.   A map, their proposal and the PC response can be found here.

Wiltshire Council Refuse Development

Wiltshire council have refused permission for the housing development proposed by Gladman Ltd on land off the Melksham Road.  The key reasons for the refusal may be found in the Decision Notice.  The notice also states the following  “As the proposal is in clear conflict with the policies of the up to date development plan,
for the reasons set out above the applicant is advised that the Council believes that any appeal against this decision would have no reasonable prospect of succeeding.  Accordingly, the applicant is advised that if an appeal is submitted the Council will be making an application for a full award of its costs incurred in dealing with the appeal, based on substantive grounds.”  Detailed examination of the application is given in the Planning Officer’s Report.

Proposed Gladman Development

The proposed 100 home development on land adjacent to Great Parks remains with the Council planning department.  Should the planning officer be minded to approve the proposal, it will be passed to the full planning committee for a decision at a public meeting.  Eighty residents have written in opposition and the Council’s Spatial Planners and Drainage officers have come out strongly against.  Our local MP, Duncan Hames, has written opposing the proposal.  Our local councillor, Trevor Carbin, is clear in his opposition and believes that the proposal will be rejected.

Your views on the Planning Application

If you wish to comment to Wiltshire Council planners on the Gladman application please do so by 13 February to one of the following:

  • by e-mail to developmentmanagement@wiltshire.gov.uk quoting application ref 14/12109/OUT
  • by filling in the Wiltshire Planning Comment Form
  • in writing to Development Management, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN.

Full details of the application can be found at Wiltshire Planning Control

Parish Council opposes Housing Development

At its meeting on 22 January 2015 Holt Parish Council decided to oppose the application for 98 houses on the field adjacent to Little Parks.

The text of the objection made to Wiltshire Council is available here.

Our Wiltshire Councillor, Trevor Carbin, has “called in” the application which means that it will be heard in public by the planning committee.

Proposed 110 house development

The Parish Council has received a letter from Gladman Developments Limited notifying their intention to submit a planning application for the development of approximately 110 new houses on the field adjacent to Great Parks currently used by the Equestrian Centre.

Gladman have also written to about half of the households in the village canvassing their views on the proposal.  It is important that villagers make their views known to the company and to the Parish Council via the Clerk as these will be considered as part of the planning process.

Full details and a comment form can be found on the company’s website:
