Tannery Development

CaptureThe presentation materials from the public consultation may be viewed here.

Tannery development consultation

Guy Colle, the owner, and his development team will be on hand at the Tannery between 4pm and 7.30pm on Tuesday 17 October.  Please make an effort to attend and, if you wish, make your views heard.  Event details are here.

New Plans for Holt Tannery Site

The site owners, J&T Beaven, are formulating a new regeneration proposal for the Tannery Site in partnership with the Glove Factory Studios and a new housing development partner, HAB Housing. This follows the expiry of a 5-year option with a previous land promoter, and the subsequent withdrawal of the 2016 outline planning application.
The new draft scheme for the site comprises: the comprehensive restoration of the existing heritage buildings (for offices, workshops and flexible multi-use space) which will be managed by the Glove Factory Studios; and circa 43 new homes with on-site car parking. A full planning application is being targeted for submission by the end of the year, with the aim of starting the development in Autumn 2018.
J&T Beaven, the Glove Factory Studios, and HAB Housing will be presenting their draft proposals to the community at an open ‘drop-in’ event that will take place onsite at the Tannery from 3:30pm to 7:30pm on Tuesday 17th October. Please do come along to see the potential of these beautiful existing buildings and to give your feedback.

Update on the potential development on Leigh Road

An update from the Parish Council may be found here.

Tannery Planning Application

Wiltshire Council has circulated the Tannery planning application for consultation. The deadline for comments is 1 April 2016. Residents with property adjacent to or close to the proposed development should have received notification from Wiltshire Council. The application documentation is very large but may be viewed on the Wiltshire Council website.  To do this, go to the planning section then follow links for search applications and use the number 16/01306 to access the application.  All of the supporting documentation can be viewed/downloaded.  A copy of the Desisign and Access Statement is available here.

Tannery Development Briefing

The plans for the proposed Tannery development will be on show in the Village Hall from 11am to 4pm on Saturday 30 January 2016.  The planning appliction will be submitted in the near future.

Tannery Development – Invitation to Briefing Event

Latest plans for Holt Tannery


  Walk-in event at the Village Hall on Saturday 16th January 2016. 11am to 4pm.  Come and view the latest plans for the redevelopment of Holt Tannery.   The plans are the basis for a planning application to follow the event. We look forward to seeing you there.

The Holt Tannery Team.

Manor Farm – Proposed Residential Development

Thrings, Solicitors, are holding an exhibition re proposals for a residential development at Manor Farm, Holt on Monday 26th October 2015 between 3.00pm and 7.00pm at the URC Hall.

The Parish Council does not have a formal view on this proposal:  it will be considered once a planning application has been received,

Representations to The Planning Inspector

The Parish Council and the neighbourhood Plan team have  posted  representations to the Planning Inspector with reference to the Gladman appeal.  The representations may be viewed here – Holt Parish Council Representation to the Planning Inspector and here Holt Neighbourhood Plan response to Appeal

Gladman Appeal on Melksham Road Development

Gladman Developments Ltd lodged appeal reference APP/Y3940/W/15/3063775 on 10 July against Wiltshire Council’s refusal of outline planning permission for up to 98 dwellings on land south of Melksham Road Holt.