New gates

Have you walked up towards Holt Manor recently? If so, you may have seen the amazing new kissing gates. They were installed in a joint project between Holt Parish Council and the owners of Holt Manor, with whom we were very fortunate to work with to bring this project to fruition.Holt P.C were successful in securing a 50/50 matched-funding grant from the Bradford on Area Board to partly offset the cost.Both parties are very keen to improve access to our wonderful network of footpaths for everyone and we think you will agree that this project has certainly done that.


Footpath 31

Just to let you know that we are aware of high barbed wire fence blocking this footpath. The matter has been referred to the Rights of Way and Footpaths Officers at Wiltshire Council who are in contact with the landowners and will ensure that this illegal diversion is rectified. We will keep you updated. If you wish to report it yourself you can do so on the Wiltshire App.

A polite reminder

We recently issued a statement about parking problems in the Elms. Upon further investigation Wiltshire Council have confirmed that the road is in fact, part of the public highway. However, it would be considerate to avoid parking in the Elms to allow space for residents and carers. Thank you.

Parking restrictions

With effect from Monday 19th July parking restrictions came into force in the lay-byes on both sides of the road outside the Holt Superstore. Parking is now limited to 30 minutes with no return within 2 hours Monday-Saturday 8am – 6pm. This was done to help ensure parking availability for shop customers.

New Speed limits

You may have noticed between Holt and Melksham, there are now 2 new 50 limit zones. Here’s hoping it helps make this busy stretch of road safer for us all.

Bus Back Better Survey

Wiltshire Council wanted to update you on the Government’s national bus strategy and the work they’re doing to improve local bus services in Wiltshire.To recap, earlier this year the government published its Bus Back Better vision, the strategy will deliver better bus services for passengers across England, through ambitious and far-reaching reform of how services are planned and delivered. It will make buses:

more frequent

more reliable

easier to understand and use

better co-ordinated


£3bn has been set aside in this parliament to be spent on increasing bus usage nationally through the national bus strategy. In addition, in March 2020, Government granted Wiltshire £671,000 as revenue support to help to improve the provision of local services. Wiltshire Council are holding an informal consultation with the public and businesses to help shape their work as they look to produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan.Alongside all the existing information we have on services and usage, this non-statutory survey,that will run until 23 August 2021, will give us an even better understanding of how bus services are used and how usage has been affected by the pandemic. The survey shouldn’t take longer than five minutes to complete and we are keen to hear from non-bus users, as well as those who currently use them, as this will provide a much more wide-ranging picture of the current situation and people’s circumstances. The survey can be found at…, hard copies available from Wiltshire Council.

Road closure notice

Holt Road in Bradford is due to be closed for four months. The closure will be between the B3109 Springfield junction to Brooklands. Wiltshire Council will be repairing the retaining wall and strengthening the embankment. Traffic will be diverted via Forewoods Common.The works are scheduled to start on Monday September 6th and to continue until Christmas.For further information contact Wiltshire Council on 0300 4560105.

Road safety improvements

The Parish Council has been working for a long time to improve safety, especially for pedestrians, at the junction of The Midlands and The Common (B3107). Some progress is now being made with Wiltshire Council, and as soon as their Highways planners have drawn up plans, we will share them with you all.

Midlands Junction

With effect from Monday 19th July parking restrictions will come into force in the lay-byes on both sides of the road. Parking will be limited to 30 minutes with no return within 2 hours Monday-Saturday 8am – 6pm. Signs will be placed on the grey posts already in situ. This is being done to help ensure available parking for shop customers..

Due to an error at installation, further work is required to reduce the height of the shelter before fitting seating, backing and roof. Unfortunately the Parish Council have not been advised as to when this will be done.


To enable Gas Transportation Co Ltd to carry out excavation to lay new gas main to new development the road will be closed at The Midlands (Part), Holt ; from its junction with The Elms for a distance of approximately 20
metres in an easterly direction.
Alternative route: via The Midlands (unaffected length) – B3107 The Street and vice versa. The notice can be viewed here and the indicative plan here