The fully adopted Neighbourhood Plan may be found here.

Holt Neighbourhood Plan – update

The Parish Council have sub-groups looking at the feasibility and costings for implementing the wishes of residents as expressed in the Neighbourhood Plan : Update of where we are as at October 2017 below.

Task Progress
TrafficSupport changes to the B3107 through the village, to mitigate the impact of vehicular traffic, including:

• Road improvements for the western junction of The Midlands with The Street should include a safe pedestrian crossing to The Courts

• Relocate the northern pavement by the recreation ground inside the hedge

• Negotiate a 20mph limit throughout the village

• Limit the speed of traffic leaving the village eastwards by reducing the width of the carriageway by the junction with Little Parks

• Create a parking area sheltered by build-outs on the northern side of Melksham Road to limit the carriageway width

• Upgrade the village gateway and improve the signage for the mini-roundabout at the western end of the village

• Review and amend the signage along the B3107

• Negotiate a ban on vehicles of over 8.5 tonnes MGW on the B3107

HPC is in discussion with Wiltshire Council, with a view to planning and costing a scheme. The biggest hurdle to overcome is likely to be funding, as Wiltshire Council has had severe pressure on its budgets, and HPC has minimal resources of its own compared with the expected cost of such a project.

It is hoped that part of the project, especially the area near to The Midlands, will be carried out as part of the new Tannery Development, and funded by the developers.

Parking• Introduce single white lines to discourage parking in places where it is particularly undesirable

• Negotiate with the National Trust (NT) to provide sufficient off-road parking, including good walking access to The Courts

Other Transport• Campaign for better public bus services.

• Consider whether Holt Community Bus could provide more services for villagers.

• Investigate the possibility of providing cycle lanes / paths.

• Research the possibility of reopening Holt railway station.

Commercial and Economic• Explore the possibility of offering preference or incentives to existing Holt-based businesses in any new developments

• Optimise the number of residents being employed within the village to maintain a sustainable community and limit the commuting both into and out of the village by, for example, having a jobs page in the magazine and on the website, a noticeboard outside the village hall (also for job seekers) and supporting business networking events.

HPC has made this point to HAB housing, as part of the commercial development of the Tannery.
Environment• Identify and publish the responsibilities of landowners and public bodies to maintain drainage and local watercourses;

• Appoint flood wardens to monitor and notify potential flood risks

• Ensure routine maintenance to drains and gullies is carried out by Wiltshire Council and Wessex Water as appropriate.

Emergency flood equipment is now located at Holt Superstore. HPC has decided a flood warden isn’t necessary.

Liaison with WC and Wessex Water is ongoing.

Green Spaces• Develop measures and/or agreements that will ensure unhindered access across existing public rights of way; encourage landowners to remove unnecessary/illegal barbed wire fencing from public rights of way; encourage landowners to ensure footpaths and stiles are accessible to dog walkers and disabled users; encourage landowners to waymark and signpost footpaths.

• Campaign to establish new rights of way; seek to establish a recognised and accessible riverside walk alongside the River Avon; research the possibility of providing more safe walking routes out of the village to neighbouring communities; research the possibility of providing more bridleways.

• Survey and register all existing green spaces with public access within the Plan area, and propose new ones eg for tree planting, and obtain permissions and funding

• Establish the scale of support and number of residents who would use allotments; identify suitable land for allotments; engage and negotiate with landowners; obtain necessary permissions and funding; and establish an Allotment Users Association to develop and run the allotments.

Footpaths in Holt are well used, and are formally walked each year by members of HPC. Issues arising are reported and dealt with.

Potential new paths are being explored, especially to link Holt to the River Avon and canal towpath. However, such schemes are complex, involving several potential land owners, including the railways. Whilst on the council’s radar, they are essentially aspirational at the moment.

A survey of green spaces is being undertaken.

Several possible sites have been considered for allotments, and one is being progressed with the land owner, and residents. An initial public meeting was held in early October 2017. The project is ongoing.

Community Amenities• Identify and register those assets to ensure their retention and protection in future.

• Establish priorities which could include:

o Additional facilities for young people, such as a meeting place or skate park

o Improvements to update the sports pavilion

o A new Village Hall/community centre

An area has been identified, for use as a pump (cycle) track. This is also where possible allotments would be. As noted above, an initial public meeting has been held, and the project is ongoing.



Wiltshire Council have taken the decision pursuant to Section 38A(4) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act, 2004, to ‘make’ the Holt Neighbourhood Plan. The Holt Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Wiltshire Council Development Plan and the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land in the Holt Neighbourhood Area. A copy of the Holt Neighbourhood Plan and Wiltshire Council’s post-referendum Decision Statement will be available on Wiltshire Council’s website at:


The Neighbourhood Plan has been in development since about 2009. We have at last reached the end of the process which is to submit the final version of the Plan to a referendum of the whole village. This will be held on 24th November 2016. We have collated the archive of the development here so you can track back through the evolution and see all the various documents which have informed the process. They are grouped by year and have reasonably explanatory titles. There is an up-to-date index to the archive called: HNP Audit Trail Index 28.9.16

Please explore and feel free to download any of the documents. If you have any queries or comments, please contact The NP team via the contact form for the Parish Council.

Current Steering Group

Heather Morris, Chair

Andrew Pearce, Deputy Chair

Bob Chequer

Fiona Drysdale

Martin Moyes

This page is being regularly updated with new documents.



Information Statement – publication date 17/10/16

Notice of Referendum – publication date 20/10/16

  1. Jan 2016 Wiltshire Council Comments Holt Draft Neighbourhood PlanJan 2016_FINAL
  2. April 2016 HNP Letter to Planning Inspector
  3. April 2016 HNP Analysis of WC comments
  4. June 2016 Examiner’s Letter
  5. June 2016 Examiner’s Report on Holt NP Final Draft
  6. Sept 2016 WC Decision Statement (letter)
  7. Sept 2016 WC Decision Statement
  8. Sept 2016 Decision Statement (Appendix 1)
  9. Oct 2016 Holt Neighbourhood Plan Final 2016-2026


  1. Mar 2015 Holt Review Report Appendices
  2. Mar 2015 Holt Draft Neighbourhood Plan Review Report
  3. April 2015 SEA Screening decision – Holt NP final
  4. April 2015 HN Plan Draft3v2
  5. July 2015 Holt NDP Consultation Statement
  6. July 2015 Holt NDP Basic Conditions Statement
  7. July 2015 Holt Neighbourhood Plan Final Draft
  8. Aug 2105 Holt NP Consultation Appendix 1
  9. Aug 2015 Holt NP Regulation 14 Consultation
  10. Aug 2015 Holt NP Consultation Summary Statement
  11. Aug 2015 Holt NP Consultation Appendix 2
  12. Aug 2015 Holt NP Basic Conditions Statement final
  13. Nov 2015 Reg 16 Gladman Developments Limited
  14. Nov 2015 Reg 16 Gladman Developments Limited (appendix)
  15. Nov 2015 Reg 16 David Glasson Planning LimitedNov 2015 Reg 1
  16. Nov 2015 Reg 16 David Glasson Planning Limited (appendix)
  17. Aug 2015 Holt NP Submission Checklist


  1. Jan 2014 HP Plan Draft 1v2
  2. April 2014 Consultation Timetable
  3. May 2014 Consultation Board Amenities
  4. May 2014 Consultation Board Commercial
  5. May 2014 Consultation Board Environment
  6. May 2014 Consultation Board Housing
  7. May 2014 Consultation Board Traffic
  8. May 2014 Consultation Board Vision
  9. May 2014 Letter to Neighbouring Parishes
  10. May 2014 Plan Draft 1.5
  11. May 2014 Holt Magazine article
  12. May 2014 Draft 1 Poster
  13. May 2014 Consultation Blank Feedback Forms
  14. June 2014 Holt Magazine article
  15. June 2014 Housing Needs Update
  16. June 2014 Letter to Accompany Feedback Forms
  17. July 2014 Community Amenities Feedback
  18. July 2014 Commercial Feedback
  19. July 2014 Energy Feedback
  20. July 2014 Environment Feedback
  21. July 2014 Green Spaces Feedback
  22. July 2014 Housing Feedback
  23. July 2014 Objectives Feedback
  24. July 2014 Other Transport Feedback
  25. July 2014 Parking Feedback
  26. July 2014 Traffic Feedback
  27. July 2014 Vision Feedback
  28. Oct 2014 Commercial feedback response
  29. Oct 2014 Community Amenities feedback response
  30. Oct 2014 Energy feedback response
  31. Oct 2014 Environment feedback response
  32. Oct 2014 Green Spaces feedback response
  33. Oct 2014 Housing feedback response
  34. Oct 2014 Objectives feedback response
  35. Oct 2014 Other transport feedback response
  36. Oct 2014 Parking feedback responses
  37. Oct 2014 Traffic feedback response
  38. Oct 2014 Vision feedback response
  39. Dec 2014 HN Plan Draft 2v3
  40. Dec 2014 HNP People
  41. Dec 2014 Letter to Planning Consultants
  42. June 2014 Consultation Music Festival 1 June 2014 Consultation Music Festival 3
  43. May 2014 Consultation Day 1
  44. June 2014 Consultation Muisc Festival 2


  1. Jan 2013 Holt Neighbourhood Plan Initial Scoping Report
  2. Jan 2013 Holt Parish Council formal application to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan
  3. Mar 2013 Traffic Business Questionnaire
  4. May 2013 Final Area Designation Decision Report


  1. Feb 2012 Wish List Questionnaire
  2. Feb 2102 Wish List Letter
  3. Feb 2012 Holt Wish List Results
  4. Mar 2012 Compendium of Traffic Issues
  5. Mar 2012 Holt Traffic & Wilts Strategic View
  6. Mar 2012 WC Housing Needs Survey
  7. May 2012 Buchanan Map for Village
  8. May 2012 Holt Transport Workshop Report v1
  9. May 2012 Traffic Workshop Background
  10. June 2012 Public Meeting Report
  11. July 2012 Concerns from Holt PC
  12. July 2012 Focus Group Feedback
  13. July 2012 Focus Groups Briefing
  14. July 2012 Recommendations to Holt PC
  15. July 2012 Scoping Study Draft 1
  16. July 2012 Scoping Study Feedback Form
  17. July 2012 Scoping Study Focus Groups
  18. July 2012 Strengths from Holt PC
  19. July 2012 What’s Missing, What do you Want
  20. Aug 2012 Local Focus Groups Feedback
  21. Oct 2012 Freight Assessment Paper
  22. Nov 2012 Scoping Study Draft 2


  1. Feb 2011 Holt Mag. Questionnaire Piece
  2. Mar 2011 Tannery Quest Letter
  3. Mar 2011 Tannery Questionnaire
  4. June 2011 Holt Mag Tannery
  5. July 2011 Tannery Questionnaire comments 1
  6. July 2011 Tannery Questionnaire comments 2
  7. July 2011 Tannery Questionnaire comments 3
  8. July 2011 Tannery Questionnaire comments 4
  9. Sept 2011 Report on Tannery Questionnaire
  10. Nov 2008 Housing Needs Survey
  11. Dec 2009 Love It Hate It Results