Trees in The Midlands
The Parish Council is aware of some concern in the village relating to the future of the trees alongside the Brook opposite the Village Hall. The trees belong to Wiltshire Council. There is one Red Hawthorn which is nearest the junction and three flowering cherry, which are a non-native, short lived species. The fourth flowering cherry died and was removed some years ago being replaced by a silver birch which also died. The three remaining cherry trees have been examined by an arboriculturalist who has declared them all to be in a state of terminal decline. Cracks, lesions and dead wood can be seen.
The developer of the Tannery was obliged to propose improvements to the junction of the Midlands and the B3107. The initial design involved the loss of the parking spaces alongside the trees.
Following objection by the PC, a re-design was made proposing a parking refuge where the cherry trees now stand. The hawthorn tree will remain and, at the request of the PC, a new stand of trees
will be planted along the verge on the Village Hall side of the road. All of this has been in the public domain for more than a year and was discussed at the village meeting in April 2018.
We hope to have details about the programme for the development in the near future.