Wessex Water – Contact Number for reporting problems

At the recent Parish Council meeting Mr. Martin Tidman, Wessex Water, stressed the need for members of the public to report any problems to them to help ensure that they provide a good service.  The number to ring is 0345 600 4 600.  He also spoke about the problems caused by wet wipes being flushed away – about 80% of all blockages in sewers are caused by wet wipes and talks are ongoing with manufacturers for packaging to be relabelled.  In the meantime, be aware that many products labelled ‘flushable’ are not and they are causing huge problems for the water companies.

Cllr. Mervyn Osman

The Parish Council would like to express their sadness following the death of Councillor Mervyn Osman on 14 April 2016 and our sympathy is extended to Sue and the family.

Dawes Pond

The Parish Council recently appealed for sponsors to help towards the cost of restoring Dawes Pond to an amenity that the village can be proud of.  The Council has received a very generous offer from Mr Nick Kirkham of Glove Factory Studios to pay £3750 towards the cost. The Parish Council decided at its last meeting to go ahead with the project, funding the balance of the cost from the Village Development Fund.  A contractor has been selected and the work will be carried out late August/September this year. The delay is in order to cause the minimum disruption to wildlife. The project will re-shape the pond to include a shallow margin area all round for safety.  A buried butyl rubber liner will ensure that there are no leaks and a pump will be installed to top up the level of the pond from the brook. The whole area will be grassed and works to some of the trees will be undertaken. Some new planting of evergreens at the rear of the pond will be made.


Until recently all green waste bins supplied by Wiltshire Council in West Wiltshire were 240 litre capacity, however, the new bins now being supplied are 180 litre in line with the size of  bins in other parts of the County.  The charge for green waste collection is the same for all sizes.  The reduction in the size of the bins is not shown on the Wiltshire Council website when ordering a new one.

Fibre Broadband comes to Holt

Wiltshire Council’s Wiltshire Online programme  are pleased to inform you that fibre broadband has been brought to Holt . Further details are available here