Dawes Pond
The Parish Council recently appealed for sponsors to help towards the cost of restoring Dawes Pond to an amenity that the village can be proud of. The Council has received a very generous offer from Mr Nick Kirkham of Glove Factory Studios to pay £3750 towards the cost. The Parish Council decided at its last meeting to go ahead with the project, funding the balance of the cost from the Village Development Fund. A contractor has been selected and the work will be carried out late August/September this year. The delay is in order to cause the minimum disruption to wildlife. The project will re-shape the pond to include a shallow margin area all round for safety. A buried butyl rubber liner will ensure that there are no leaks and a pump will be installed to top up the level of the pond from the brook. The whole area will be grassed and works to some of the trees will be undertaken. Some new planting of evergreens at the rear of the pond will be made.