An Open Letter from the Chairman

An open letter from the Chairman on the subject of trees may be read or downloaded from here.

Parish Council Meeting

Holt Parish Council will hold a meeting by video conference call at 7.30pm on Thursday 22 October at 7.30pm. Any member of the public wishing to attend or to raise any issue should contact the Clerk on 783335 or by e-mail to The agenda may be found here.

Parish Council Meeting

Holt Parish Council will hold a meeting by video conference call at 7.30pm on Thursday 24 September at 7.30pm. Any member of the public wishing to attend or to raise any issue should contact the Clerk on 783335 or by e-mail to The agenda may be found at

Play Area

The play area on the Recreation Ground will reopen from Saturday 4 July. Families are strongly advised to follow the measures in place to protect others and use the facilities safely:

Numbers using the play area to be limited to thirty people at any one time.
Social distancing, as per government guidelines, must be adhered to.
Only one family member to accompany each child.
Consumption of food and drink is prohibited.
Users are encouraged to clean equipment after use.
Face masks should be worn.
Please take your litter home.

Parish Council Meeting

Holt Parish Council will hold a meeting by video conference call at 7.30pm on Thursday 25 June at 7.30pm. Any member of the public wishing to attend or to raise any issue should contact the Clerk on 783335 or by e-mail to The agenda may be found at…/…/06/25-June-20-Agenda.pdf.

Parish Council Meeting 21st May

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held by telephone conference on Thursday 21st May at 7.30 pm. If you wish to raise any issues at the meeting then please contact the clerk on Similarly if you just wish to “listen in” please contact the clerk who will provide you with details of how to join the conversation. The Agenda may be viewed here



Parish Council Meeting

During the Covid emergency Parish Council meetings will be held by teleconference.  The next meeting will be this Thursday, 16th April at 7.30pm.  If you wish to attend or raise any matter please contact the Clerk, Neil Baker, on 01225 783335,  The agenda for the meeting may be viewed here.

Covid-19 Advice

WC advice may be found here.
Help in Holt on Facebook here.  Villagers need to click the Join Group button to access the information.

Please note: During the current Covid-19 Crisis Parish Council meetings will take place via Conference Call. Dates and details of how to participate  will be on the Council meetings 2020 page of this website.

Covid 19

“Holt Parish Council would like to acknowledge and thank everyone for the outstanding efforts being given by villagers in the form of voluntary help.  We feel proud to be part of such a wonderful community.
As a Parish Council, we have limited resources but would like to help where we can, so have set aside £1000 from reserves to support these voluntary actions, and will add to this if necessary.
We’ll continue to work on Parish Council business where possible, doing what we can from our computers during the lockdown period.  Caretaking and grass cutting is continuing for the time being.   Any relevant information we receive from Wiltshire Council will be shared to the Parish Council website (, on social media via Spotted in Holt and Help in Holt, and the village magazine.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to us about any concerns you have, please contact the Clerk, Neil Baker at or call 01225783335.”

Links to local sites

The useful links page has been updated to include Holt Village Hall and the Facebook Page for Holt Community Bus