Could you be Holt’s next Parish Clerk?

Holt Parish Council is looking for a new Parish Clerk—could this be the role for you?

We’re looking for someone local, organised, and self-motivated to help support the work of the Parish Council. The role is a paid, part-time position, averaging 8 hours a week, with the flexibility to spread these hours across the week in a way that suits you, working from home.

Our current Clerk is a full-time mum who has learnt on the job and is only leaving due to a house move out of the area. She says IT skills and a positive approach are key to the role.

If you’d like to find out more, please email the Chair, Councillor Steve Siddall, for a full job description and details on how to apply.

Local Elections – will you have a vote?

Local elections will be held on 1st May for our unitary councillor and the whole of the Parish Council.

If you are interested in standing for election you may want to have a chat with one of the current councillors whose contact details are here:

Nominations for candidates close on 2 April so do not hesitate if you are interested.

If you are passionate about your local community becoming a parish councillor provides you with the opportunity to give back to the village.  We will offer advice and assistance to anybody who is prepared to stand.

The PC has 11 seats of which 10 are currently filled.  If 11 or fewer candidates stand for election they will be returned unopposed meaning you will not have a vote.  As the current 10 councillors intend to stand there will be no vote unless two more candidates come forward.

More about the elections can be found on the WC website at:

Invasive species

The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are trying to highlight the issues the county faces with invasive non-native species (INNS). Please see the image of the three main plants that can cause issues and how to identify them.

If you see any in Holt then please upload information onto which is also available in a mobile App. This information helps map the extent of these plants and helps the WWT plan to treat/remove them.

These INNS not only effect the environment by outcompeting native flora, but they can also impose huge economic burdens. The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust can provide advice on dealing with INNS and sometimes provide treatment. These plants usually raise their heads in the spring months, and continue to grow throughout  the year.

South Wraxall Road Closure – 10th March 2025

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 10th March 2025, South Wraxall ; from its junction with B3109 to the property known as Hampton House shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wiltshire Council to carry out Carriageway patching and associated works.

Alternative route: via C224 (Unaffected length), B3109,B3105,B3107 and vice versa.

These works will commence on 10th March 2025 and are anticipated to be required for1 DAY between the hours of 09:00 and 15:00.

Mobile Library Stops

The Mobile Library currently serves Holt at the following location(s):

·       Holt, Little Parks

·       Holt, The Elms

Please see image for dates it will be at these locations.

The mobile library can be used by anybody who already has a Wiltshire Library card (you can also join free of charge via the mobile library).

URGENT road closure for B3107 on Saturday 8th March 2025

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 8th March 2025, the B3107 Melksham ; from its junction with A350 to its junction with Bradford Road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wiltshire Council to carry out urgent tree and associated works.

Alternative route: via B3107 (Unaffected length), B3105, B3109, A365,A350 and vice versa.

These works will commence on 8th March 2025 and are anticipated to be required for 1 day between the hours of 08:00 and 15:00.

March village inspection – footways

The March village inspection will focus on footways in Holt. The Parish Council will prepare a report for the next LFHIG meeting.

Temporary Closure of Footpath56, Holt.

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to
all users:
Footpath 56, Holt; from its junction with Melksham Road to its junction with the Little Parks
housing estate.
To enable: Surveys, security and construction.
No alternative route is available.
This Order which was due to expire on 28 February 2025 will now continue in force until 28
August 2026 or until completion of the works, whichever is earliest.

Please pick up after your dog.

16th December
Our caretaker had to pick up several piles of dog poo on the field. We are sure you will agree with us that this should not be a job he needs to do, so we would again remind dog owners to keep their dogs on a lead and pick up and dispose of IN THE BINS PROVIDED any dog poo that their dog produces!
We understand that the vast majority of dog owners are responsible people and that it is only a small minority who transgress. There are plenty of bins around the field and 3 dog poo bag dispensers so there is really no excuse.
Finally we would remind everyone that there is a byelaw in force making it an offence to not have a dog on a lead and not pick up any dog mess. No-one wants us to enforce this byelaw but consideration may have to be made to make an example of anyone who can be identified who breaks the rules.

Parish Councillors at School Christmas Fayre

Parish Councillors will be at the Christmas Fayre in Holt Village Hall from 12-3pm on Saturday 7th December (TOMORROW!).
Come and chat to us about reviewing the current Plan and anything you want to tell us about Holt – loves and hates and any suggested resolutions!
The steering group also needs residents to join, so the review process can continue in 2025. Please consider joining the steering group for a year to help Holt have a new Neighbourhood Plan.