COuncillor vacancy

Do you want to make a difference in Holt…?
…….. then here is your opportunity – Holt Parish Council has a vacancy!
Why do it?
Because you can contribute something positive to your village.  You can make a difference by influencing decisions that affect our community.   Although Wiltshire Council provides most of the principal services (e.g. education and highways), parish councils, like Holt, can provide local services – from community centres to festivals, and allotments to playgrounds. The job of the parish council is to represent the interests of the whole community, whilst at the same time being seen to provide value for money.  Understanding and balancing the needs of different groups is an important part of the role of a councillor. 
What’s involved?
The council meets monthly (except August) – meetings are on the third Thursday of the month, at 7:30pm in the Village Hall – an agenda and any reading material is issued in advance.  For those who have the time, there are opportunities to be on smaller working groups, being involved with issues such as planning, finance, traffic or village facilities.
Am I the right sort of person?
Almost certainly – yes!  No special skills are needed.  Essentially you need to be open, honest and objective.  Diversity is important – we need men and women with differing backgrounds, interests, ages and attitudes.   Some people work with ideas, while others are very practical, and some prefer administration.  Holt Parish Council needs a range of skills to work as a team.

If you think you might be interested, but aren’t sure, please contact Georgina on 07375 934468 to talk it over or drop an email to