Dawes Pond
Over a number of years the Parish Council has tried various ways of restoring Dawes Pond to its former glory. Sadly, in spite of considerable effort and expenditure, none has been successful.The problem is two-fold – firstly, stopping leaks and keeping water in the pond and secondly, topping up the water when it gets low. Without going into every detail of what has been tried before, the Parish Council are now advised that fitting a liner is the best solution, together with an electric pumping system for topping up the pond when the water level falls through evaporation. having spent £2000 re shaping and dredging the pond the Parish Council now needs to raise an additional £6-7000.00 to complete the work. Some of this money can undoubtedly be raised by “matched funding” grants but a substantial part will have to be found from other sources. Opinion is mixed as to whether this is money worth spending but many villagers (and the children of Holt School) have strongly expressed the view that this is an amenity that should be kept and restored.
So, this is an appeal for individuals, local businesses and organisations to make a donation towards the cost. Alternatively there may be those willing to organise a fund raising event/s to help the Council raise the amount required. If the money cannot be raised then, sadly, filling in the pond will remain an option
Please contact the Parish Clerk if you can help.